Andrea & Ben - {Winnipeg Freelance Photographer}

/ Monday 31 December 2012 /
Last Saturday morning before Christmas, a friend had asked me to photograph her and her boyfriend for their parents. I was absolutely thrilled at the idea and couldn't be happier with the results.
They have to be up there with "Most Stunning Couple of the Year" award.

This was such a fun shoot! We took a quick trip to Assiniboine Forest early one morning for gorgeous trees and snow, it was perfect!

Osborne Street Scene - Out of The Blue

/ Saturday 29 December 2012 /
I was recently asked to contribute to Out of the Blue's new blog! I will be bringing you Street Scenes from all over Winnipeg. Keep an eye out for my work on the blog! :)
To start things off with a bang I photographed the lovely Melissa Clark in Osborne Village while on her way to purchase light bulbs!
I asked Melissa what her survival tips for winter were because let's face it, living in Winnipeg you NEED some. 

1. Good boots are a DEFINITE must!
2. Large amounts of outdoor activities paired with a good cup of hot cocoa. Great way to keep the blood flowing and still enjoy the colder aspects of Winnipeg.
3. Hibernation. It makes summer THAT much better. 

For Out of the Blue's new blog visit here! 

Sunday Dinner

/ Tuesday 18 December 2012 /
A little over a month ago I was invited to a dinner at Stella's with friends. It was an evening filled with amazing people, delicious food and drinks all around and the calm atmosphere that goes along with a cold winters eve. During the dinner personal stories and experiences were shared throughout the table while the co founders of BOSS took notes for their Wizard week which wasn't too long ago. 

Here are some of the intimate moments captured that Sunday night. 

Pay it Forward

/ Thursday 6 December 2012 /
I personally enjoy when perusing a beautifully talented artist's blog to stumble across a "What I'm Loving" post. It only leads to more and more treats for the eyes, or tastebuds, or online shopping. It only leads to more endless hours of inspiration. Pinterest is bad for that, ever follow the link below the image to the blogs? Well when you do, most of the time you are in for a real treat.
Therefore, I would like to do the same and pay it forward. 
Inspire the rest of you. 

Mouthwatering Madness....Roasted Sweet Potatoes
I have yet to try this dish, but sweet potato salad? How can you go wrong? 

What I wish my life consisted of....Quince with Sugar
The whole blog is incredible eye candy. 

Photographic Wonders... Justin Chung
Take a look at his portraits of women in his portfolio. So clean and simple. 

Reading Material... Kinfolk Magazine. If you haven't heard of this gorgeous magazine, it's definitely time. Head to McNally Robinson, take a hop skip and a jump over to the food section. There it will be, tucked away. Here's their Pinterest!Kinfolk Mag

Remember to slow down and enjoy this beautiful time of year!

Sunday Funday

/ Sunday 2 December 2012 /
This past week I was performing hard drive maintenance and going through my old photos and deciding what to keep and what I can let go of. I admit, it's always difficult for me to part with photos. My style is always developing and changing, what I liked then I dislike now and vice versa. Therefore as my eye changes I sometimes go back into old shoots and look through, find some eye candy that I overlooked the first time or re edit an image. I took the plunge though, I successfully cleared off most of what was on my hard drives from when I was in school. It's like a breath of fresh air, weight lifted off my shoulders.

I realized just how important these cleanses are for me. When I was moving out of my first apartment, only after living there for a year, I discovered that I had collected so many unnecessary "things ie. junk". This next time around I am going to try for a minimalistic approach.

In sorting through my old photos I came across a few of the my favourite little boy that I looked after while living in Germany.

Watch out ladies, he's going to be a stunner when he's older.


/ Saturday 24 November 2012 /
I've joined forces with the amazingly talented Lisa Varga to present to you ALT, WEDD.


Grant Grant Grant

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Before Grant left for Vancouver we were able to get together for a quick photo shoot for his portfolio.

We spent the gorgeous afternoon strolling around Wolesely; I had a blast! I would photograph Grant and his amazing bone structure any day.

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